Important Notice: If you are looking for your child to join us, please contact the school office. We would be happy to give you a tour of our wonderful school.
Our curriculum is designed to broaden children's knowledge and develop their skills thoughout their time at Westfield, utilising the rich history of our locality across our curriculum. Our 'Skills for Life' are the foundations of our curriculum to help us to achieve our school values. For each of our topics, children will learn in a cross-curricular approach and for each subject, we have carefully mapped the knowledge and skills children will acquire as they journey through our school. We call these our curriculum road maps.

Our curriculum is designed around 'concepts' which are themes that make links between our topics across the school. By making links to previous learning, children are supported in making connections and making learning 'stick'. 

We follow the Staffordshire agreed syllabus for teaching Religious Education. 

So that children can make links across each topic as they journey through school, we have 'concepts' which draw out similarities with what childrem have previously learned. This helps children to build on previous learning.