Our School Care Club is situated on the school premises and staffed by qualified and enthusiastic staff.
School Care Club is booked in advance and a booking form is sent out to all parents towards the end of each half-term for bookings for the following half-term. Unfortunately, we are not able to take ad-hoc bookings as staffing is put in place for the numbers that are pre-booked.
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club runs from 7.40am - 8.40am and children are offered toast and a drink and the charge is £4.00 per session.
After School Club
After School Club runs from 3.20pm - 5.45pm. Children are offered toast and a drink. The charges are:
- Collection before 5.20pm = £6.00
- Collection 5.20pm - 5.45pm = £8.00.
Please contact the school office if you have any queries regarding School Care Club.